Register 2 Seats Remaining
Join us for our monthly Teen Creative Writing Workshop where we will channel our inner Rick Riordan and Rupi Kaur!
Our Teen Creative Writing Workshop provides teens with the space to express their creativity and refine their written voice. We'll discuss what makes good writing *good* and share real-time, constructive feedback on your poetry, prose, or creative non-fiction!
Each workshop will involve instructional tips and tricks, guides on peer editing, and designated time for peer feedback. The workshop is designed to be a welcoming and productive space for teens 13-18.
Registration is required and space is limited. For those who wish to have their writing reviewed by peers during the workshop, you MUST first send a complete draft to at least 24 hours prior to the workshop so that content can be monitored.
If you have questions, please contact the La Plata Branch at 301-934-9001 or email
Charles County Public Library events are accessible for all. If you have an accessibility request, please contact three business days prior to the event.