Learn about different composting techniques, how to reduce your weekly trash, carbon footprint, & create better soil for your yard & garden. Participants will receive a FREE Geobin composting system.
Join CCPL and the University of Maryland Extension Master Gardeners. for an outdoor program to learn about different composting concepts and ways to incorporate them into your life.
Free Geobin Composting Systems will be available for each participant.
Registration is required.
In order to receive the Geobin, registrants must be at the program. Only one bin per attendee.
A special thanks to Charles County Department of Public Works Environmental Resources Division for providing the Geobins for this program.
Commitment to Safety
Per county government facility protocols, the indoor mask mandate has been reinstated for Charles County. All library visitors ages five and over must wear a mask. Social distancing should be maintained when possible, and masks and hand sanitizer remain available. For more information, visit our CCPL Information Updates.
This program is part of our One Maryland One Book program series.
When we read a great book, we can’t wait to share the experience and talk about it with others. That’s one of the joys of reading.
In that spirit, Maryland Humanities created One Maryland One Book (OMOB) to bring together diverse people in communities across the state through the shared experience of reading the same book. We invite you to participate in book-centered discussions and related programs at public libraries, high schools, colleges, museums, bookstores, and community and senior centers around the state.
Other CCPL OMOB Programs:
CCPL OMOB Book Club Bundles 9/1 - 9/30
Saturday Book Discussion 9/25 at 10 AM
Clark Center Book Discussion 10/7 at 1 PM
La Plata Book Discussion 10/14 7 PM
Charles County Public Library events are accessible for all. If you have an accessibility request, please contact programs@ccplonline.org three business days prior to the event.