Join KACAF for an afternoon discussing and seeing demonstrations of Korean cuisine! Participants will receive pre-packaged Korean snacks.
Gimbap is a Korean dish made from cooked rice, vegetables, fish, and meat rolled in gim (dried sheets of seaweed) and served in bite-sized slices. The dish is often part of a packed meal, or dosirak (lunch box), to be eaten at picnics and outdoor events, and can serve as a light lunch along with other side dishes. It is a popular takeaway food in South Korea and abroad and is known as a convenient food because of its portability.
In this workshop, we will demonstrate various versions of gimbap including classic gimbap, yubuchobap (fried Tofu pocket rice), etc and will present dosirak with other Korean dishes. After the demonstration, we will try Korean cuisine including pre-prepared gimbap.
About the Presenter:
Chef Song Hee Park is a Korean traditional cuisine master. Chef Park was born in Hae Nam and studied royal cuisine, temple cuisine, fermented cuisine, etc. and acquired licenses for each area. Park studied under the master chef Yoon Ja Choi who is a Jeon Nam intangible cultural heritage No. 42-2 traditional cuisine master function holder. Chef Park also has been a teaching assistant of monk Jeong Gwan's temple cuisine classes in Baek Yang temple for 10 years.
The Korean American Cultural Arts Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. The mission of Korean American Cultural Arts Foundation is to expose Korean cultural art and heritage to citizens of the United States and to sustain the creative development of artists. The KACAF provides outreach to public libraries in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC areas. The goal of the KACAF education programs is to provide people of all ages with knowledge about traditional Korean art and music, as well as opportunities to have hands-on experiences with master artists from the Republic of Korea.
Established in 2005, KACAF is a non-profit 501c(3) foundation officially licensed by the U.S. government and is affiliated with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Maryland State Arts Council, and Charles County.
The views expressed by presenters are their own and their appearance in a program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Charles County Public Library.
EVENT TYPE: | Special Presenter | Life Skills | Community Engagement |
TAGS: | 2024 Summer Learning Challenge | 2024 SLC |
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