Join Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman as they talk about feminist fairy tales, the strategies that scholars use to understand them, and the tools that storytellers use to reinvent them.
How many times have you heard something like this? "I don't want my daughter reading fairy tales!" or "Fairy tales are so sexist - all these girls needing princes to save them!" But the truth about fairy tales is so much bigger! Modern fairy-tale studies grew out of debates over gender and sexism. Scholars have grappled with questions like "Why are so many famous fairy-tale heroines in need of rescuing?" to " they actually need rescuing? Or is something entirely different going on here?!" to "What other stories are out there?" In the process, they've revolutionized questions of gender and sexuality, opened the door to queer interpretations of classic tales, and re-discovered incredible archives of tales with active hero(ines) of all genders.
Join us for another CCPL Library After Hours event with Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman of the Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic as they present a scholarly and entertaining discussion on feminist fairy tales.
This event will be presented through Crowdcast. Registration is required.
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1. Click the "Register" button on this page, which will direct you to the Crowdcast page.
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4. Check your email for a confirmation and a link to join the event, along with the option to add the event to your calendar.
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